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Winsol Aluma Wash (Gallon)

Winsol Aluma Wash (Gallon)



Regular price $21.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $21.95 USD
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Winsol Aluma Wash is specifically formulated for high tech aluminum floors, building facings, window frames, platforms, workstations and walls.

Winsol Aluma Wash not only cuts through airborne pollution including hydrocarbons, accumulated traffic lanes, fingerprints, and tracked-in soils, but it also contains special inhibitors that help to prevent corrosion or aluminum blush.

Winsol Aluma Wash may be used in any application requiring heavy duty cleaning and rapid degreasing of floors, tables, tools and more!

For floor mopping: wring the mop thoroughly to prevent seepage through raised flooring over electrical or air conditioning conduits. Rinse with a clean, damp mop.

Note: For the aluminum inhibitors to function properly, Winsol Aluma Wash must be diluted at least 1:4. Do not use straight.

Available in a gallon jug.

WINTER WARNING: Detroit Sponge and our carriers (UPS or FedEx) are NOT responsible for liquids freezing in transit. Please keep this in mind when ordering liquids during the winter months, particularly in January.

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